solid words, liquid thoughts

cuca fundida.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ando meio sanguinolenta, deve ser a época (como disse outro dia, é a Lua). Ou talvez seja o meu lado melodramático.

texto de sexta-feira, 07/04/06

I'd like to help you doctor
Yes I really really would
But the din in my head

It's too much and it's no good

I'm standing in a windy tunnel

Shouting through the roar
And I'd like to give the information
You're asking for

But blood makes noise
It's a ringing in my ear
Blood makes noise
And I can't really hear you
In the thickening of fear

I think that you might want to know
The details and the facts
But there's something in my blood
Denies the memory of the acts
So just forget it Doc.
I think it's really
Cool that you're concerned
But we'll have to try again
After the silence has returned

Cause blood makes noise
It's a ringing in my ear
Blood makes noise
And I can't really hear you
In the thickening of fear

(Suzanne Vega - Blood Makes Noise)

Um pensamento momentâneo: será que se eu doar sangue ajuda a tirar quem corre em minhas veias?

Seria bom, pois paixão é febre, obsessão, e o ódio também. E eu ando precisando expurgar ambos (antigamente, acreditava-se que febre corria no sangue). E olha só, meu sangue ajudaria alguém que precisa dele, depois de devidamente exorcizados os meus demônios.

Mas não posso doar sangue, fui (ainda sou?) anêmica. Terei que arranjar outro meio.


  • At 22:06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow, mari, o q é isso, guria?


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